Miles Platting Community and Age-friendly Network is an action-focused network made up of residents and community groups who are passionate about Miles Platting past, present, and future. We want to make Miles Platting and the surrounding area an even better place to live, age, and bring up children.
Our achievements so far include:
- Developed a positive vision for Miles Platting that can make our neighbourhood a great place for people of all ages.
- Created an age-friendly action plan focused on better social and community facilities and activities; better transport connections; age-friendly public spaces; and health and wellbeing.
- Worked with councillors to register Shetland Road Green as an “Asset of Community Value”.
- Identified plots of land which remain in public ownership and are not part of the PFI.
- Established a partnership to take our vision forward which draws together Manchester City Council, Jigsaw Homes and local residents and community groups, old and new.
For more information and news please visit