Mum’s Mart began after a local mum broke down in the school playground struggling to cope with making ends meet and never having an adult conversation except at the school gates. Mums got together and started having monthly meals. Then came the idea of markets to raise money to take families away on trips. In 2016 Mums Mart started up a new kind of savings scheme. They adapted the idea from an international social movement called Shack/Slum Dwellers International after a series of exchanges with activists from the South African Alliance. They haven’t looked back.
As well as running weekly savings meetings and monthly markets, Mums Mart are now working with residents to co-finance the renovation of an old caretakers apartment into a women-friendly free meeting and advice space, launching a new food membership club (Community Grocer), and bringing residents of Sharston together to identify shared priorities in their area.
Please contact mumsmartwyth[at] or visit Mum’s Marts own pages here: