Aquarius Community Savers organise together to improve life for older tower block tenants living on the Aquarius estate in Hulme and also run a weekly savings club. They are working to establish something called a ‘naturally occurring retirement community’ at Hopton Court tower block which can benefit the wider community.
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Developing a ‘Naturally Occuring Retirement Community’ (NORC) at Hopton Court
Aquarius Community Savers (previously Hopton Hopefuls) have co-produced a series of reports and updates about their partnership work to create a NORC at Hopton Court which can be downloaded here:
Progress report for tenants – July 2021: A summary of key achievements to date
Ageing Well in Place at Hopton Court – July 2021: The second report sharing findings from a survey and consultation about tenant priorities, needs and hopes at Hopton Court including views on a new community space.
Ageing Well in Place in Hulme – March 2021: The first report for the project focused on the amazing mutual aid that has emerged over time among the Hopton community as well as some of the challenges that older tenants have been experiencing with their accommodation and gaps in health and social care support. The report sets out ideas and recommendations from tenants for addressing challenges and developing a NORC at Hopton Court. It was co-produced with academics from MICRA and Manchester School of Architecture and with CLASS.