Aquarius Community Savers

Aquarius Community Savers organise together to improve life for older tower block tenants living on the Aquarius estate in Hulme…

Brinnington Savers

Brinnington Savers was born out of a group of residents who were raising money for medical equipment for local families in need and volunteering for Stockport Homes as part of

Dandelion Savers

Dandelion Savers is a group of local residents who meet for peer support and savings once a week at The Dandelion Community food…

Miles Platting Community and Age-friendly Network (MPCAN)

Miles Platting Community and Age-friendly Network is an action-focused network made up of residents and community groups…

Miles Platting Savers

Miles Platting Savers has grown out of a long history of resident-led action in the neighbourhood including campaigns to save…

Mums Mart

Mum’s Mart began after a local mum broke down in the school playground struggling to cope with making ends meet and never…

Women in Community Action Arbourthorne (WICAA)

We are a group of local women from Arbourthorne, Sheffield, who get together to try and make the community we live in a…