CLASS is led by, for, and with the Community Savers leadership through a combination of joint governance processes. 

CLASS is committed to supporting, developing, and facilitating majority women-led community and coproduction processes focused on reducing poverty and inequality. We work hard to promote women’s leadership and community expertise in all that we do.

We support affiliated group leaders to network together with other groups, projects, and campaigns locally, nationally, and internationally to share learning and build on effective strategies for advancing social, economic and climate justice. 

CLASS responds to the expressed interests and needs of affiliated groups and neighbourhood networks. We work with affiliated leaders to develop the professional and technical partnerships that can support communities to realise their goals, including with academics and university departments. In this, we continue to learn from the experiences and practices of Shack/Slum Dwellers International’s affiliates across the Global South.

CLASS-Community Savers Strategy 2025-2028

The generosity of our partners and funders enables us to exist and grow

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